Grey Sister (Book of the Ancestor, #2)
Grey Sister by Mark Lawrence
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“There are some lessons that must be written in scars.”
Grey Sister is an action-packed thrill ride that packs a heavy emotional punch. It’s everything a second book in a trilogy should be. So many writers miss that mark when it comes to a middle book, but not so with this series. There was not a single chapter that felt boggy or unimportant to me; I was entranced by every page. Lawrence took the story and relationships he crafted in Red Sister and managed to make them both more playful and more poignant and, most importantly, more powerful. I have never come across another fictional character to whom friendship is more important and personality-defining as it is with Nona Grey. I think this quote illustrates that importance beautifully:
“Those…are my friends and I would die for them. I would face a terror for them that I haven’t the courage to stand against on my own behalf.”