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Iron Gold by Pierce Brown
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Series: Red Rising Saga (Book #4 of 6)
Genre: Science fiction, Space Opera, Dystopia
Pages: 624 pages (Hardback edition)
Published: 16th January, 2018 by Hodder (UK) & 16th January, 2018 by Del Rey (US)
A bloodydamn spellbinding return to my number one favorite sci-fi series of all time.
There haven’t been any changes to my list of favorite authors of all time for a year now. I’m gratified to say that after reading his Red Rising trilogy and Iron Gold, Pierce Brown deserves to be included in the list.

For those of you who don’t know, Iron Gold is the continuation of the highly acclaimed Red Rising trilogy, which has now become a saga; making this book the fourth installment in the Red Rising Saga. The story takes place ten years after the end of Morning Star and to tell you what the book is about—spoiler-free, of course—there’s really no better way than to let Pierce Brown himself explain it:
“Iron Gold is about the struggle to preserve liberty in a bleak landscape, where heroes of the past look suspiciously like villains and the inspiring dream of liberty has been hijacked by politicians, dirtied by social strife, and muddled by interest groups and competing factions.
How in such a world can good prevail? On the back of one man? Certainly not. It takes a village—a host of disparate people who, despite their conflicting views and disparate pasts, must band together to find their own purpose, to replenish the dream of liberty with their own sacrifices and come together for the common good…”
– Pierce Brown
Full article here: https://www.goodreads.com/blog/show/1…
There you have it. And as for my thoughts and review, here it goes. …
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