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Book Review: Above the Circle of Earth by E. Stephen Burnett

Book Review: Above the Circle of Earth by E. Stephen Burnett

Above the Circle of Earth by E. Stephen Burnett
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Above the Circle of Earth is a standalone work of science fiction that explores an aspect of the expansion of the human race into space that we don’t often contemplate: the mission field. Imagine a world that is edging closer to a utopia from a secular perspective, but in which those who practice one of the current world religions find themselves relegated to preserves. These preserves are seen as a blessing by many in these faith communities, as it provides them with protection and insulation from the outside world. But how does this effect the Great Commission? We as Christians were commanded to “go ye therefore,” so should we be content to stay in our own insular bubbles because it’s safe and inoffensive to the outside world? And what about when planets beyond Earth begin to be populated? Do we let entire worlds of people live and die without ever hearing the Gospel of Jesus? When we neglect to share our faith out of fear, do we realize the blood that’s on our hands?

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